Building Life Centers /Assemblies
Rise India is committed to building life centers and churches in India. A life center is a place where people experiencing need, difficulty, trauma, hurt, relational problems, or a troubled past can get compassionate help and renewal in every part of their life. A church is an integral part of a life center, where people can experience Love, forgiveness, freedom from guilt and shame, and healing in every part of their life. The church can also be a place where people are provided with food and basic necessities. Deep-water wells are often built near the church to provide precious fresh water to people in a village.
Most churches in India are basic and fairly small, and can be built at a fraction of the cost of building churches in America. Rise India was able to raise funds to build a church in Northern Karnataka, along with a deep-water well. The church is almost complete, but funds are still needed for the main door, a railing, and sliding windows. Recently, Rise India was also able to help a Pastor buy land to build a church in North Eastern Karnataka. The Pastor has been holding services for many years in his tiny house, but as the congregation grew, he was squeezing 80 to 100 people into a small space. After the land was purchased, the Pastor and his family built a shed with palm branches to have their services in. But this makeshift church cannot weather the heavy rains of India. So Rise India is seeking to raise funds to build a small church for his congregation. Rise India desires to continue to build more life centers / churches in the years to come.
Long-term goal: To build restoration communities for Temple Prostitutes and their children, providing a new life for them, including housing, schools, training, and work. Most importantly, the goal is to provide them with an environment of love, acceptance, fellowship, and counseling that engenders deep emotional healing, encouragement, and dignity to them.